Wednesday 17 October 2012

I have not been able to get to grips with this blogging task at all. I have managed to create my blog, change the template and with alittle help from IT post photos. However I have been unable to comment on others blogs and I'm not sure if this is due to a work IT issue or a glitch on the system. The trouble is if you have never blogged before you don't know what you should be looking and if its not right how would you know!!!!!

Anyway onto the next Task hopefully this will be easier.


  1. Hope you get this one cant remember what I wrote yesterday!!!

  2. Right - *I think I have it!! Sign in first to your Google account. Then go into 12things and scroll down to the blogs of everyone. Go into the blog - it will give you the last blog + any comments. Go into comments and at the bottom it should allow you to add your own comment. Before it publishes it will want you to proive you are not a robot by putting two words (or numbers and a word) + choosing the profile of google account. Then press publish. it worked for me.
